- DOORのサービス終了理由はなにか / What is the reason for the termination of DOOR?
Although it has been used by many people, due to changes in the XR/Metaverse market, we have decided to terminate the service in order to concentrate our management resources.
- サービス終了後に、現在DOORに登録しているデータ(空間、アバター、3Dアセット、アカウント等)はどうなるか / What will happen to the data currently registered in DOOR (spaces, avatars, 3D assets, accounts, etc.) after the service ends?
DOOR will end its service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, but until 17:00 on June 30, 2025, it will be possible to enter rooms by directly accessing the room URL, accessing My Page, and editing created rooms. If used, the previous terms of use will apply.
*This is the current plan and is subject to change. If there are any changes, we will notify you in the "Notice" section of the DOOR website.
In addition, after the end of the service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, the operation system will be minimal and support will also end, so
for example, due to changes in the specifications of external systems, it may not be possible to use it as before, so we would appreciate your understanding in advance.
Terms of Use
In addition, as mentioned above, support for backing up and exporting spatial data will end when the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, so please take action as much as possible before the end of the service.
After 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- Spokeのデータダウンロードはいつまで可能か / Until when will Spoke data be available for download?
DOOR will end its service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, but until 17:00 on June 30, 2025, it will be possible to enter rooms by directly accessing the room URL, access My Page, and edit created rooms.
As a result, it will be possible to download spoke data until 17:00 on June 30, 2025.
However, support will also end when the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, so please back up and export spatial data as much as possible before the service ends.
If you use each function, the previous terms of use will apply.
*This is the current schedule and is subject to change. If there are any changes, we will notify you in the "Announcements" section of the DOOR website.
In addition, after the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, the operation will be minimal and support will end, so it is possible that you will not be able to use it as before due to changes in the specifications of external systems, etc., so we appreciate your understanding in advance.
Terms of Use
https://door.ntt/web/terms/index.htmlAfter 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- 現在利用中の空間のURLはいつまでアクセスできるか / How long will the URL of the room currently in use be accessible?
DOOR will end its service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, but until 17:00 on June 30, 2025, it will be possible to enter rooms by directly accessing the room URL, accessing My Page, and editing created rooms. If used, the previous terms of use will apply.
*This is the current plan and is subject to change. If there are any changes, we will notify you in the "Notice" section of the DOOR website.
In addition, after the end of the service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, the operation system will be minimal and support will also end, so
for example, due to changes in the specifications of external systems, it may not be possible to use it as before, so we would appreciate your understanding in advance.
Terms of Use
https://door.ntt/web/terms/index.htmlIn addition, as mentioned above, support for backing up and exporting spatial data will end when the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, so please take action as much as possible before the end of the service.
After 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- DOORの移行先はあるか / Is there a service to which DOOR can be transferred?
We can provide alternative services for a fee, so please contact us via "Contact Us" if you wish.
Contact page: https://door.ntt/web/contact/index.html
- DOORからの移行作業を依頼することは可能か / Is it possible to request migration from DOOR to another service?
We do not provide support for migration, so we ask that you migrate by yourself.
Even after the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, it will be possible to enter rooms by directly accessing the room URL, access My Page, and edit created rooms until 17:00 on June 30, 2025. If used, the previous terms of use will apply.
Accordingly, it will be possible to download spoke data required for migration until 17:00 on June 30, 2025.
However, support will also end when the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, so please back up and export spatial data as much as possible before the service ends.
*This is the current schedule and is subject to change. If there are any changes, we will notify you in the "Announcements" section of the DOOR website.
In addition, after the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, the operation system will be minimal and support will also end, so please note that, for example, due to changes in the specifications of external systems, it may not be possible to use the service as before.
Terms of Use
https://door.ntt/web/terms/index.htmlAfter 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- Cluster、VRChat、VketCloudへの移行は可能か / Is it possible to migrate to Cluster, VRChat, or VketCloud?
We have not confirmed compatibility with the platform you have listed, so unfortunately we cannot guarantee whether you will be able to migrate to that platform.
We can provide you with alternative services, which will incur a fee, so please contact us via "Contact Us" if you wish.
Contact page: https://door.ntt/web/contact/index.html
- 技術サポートはいつまで可能か / How long is technical support available?
The service will end at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, and no support will be provided after that.
- DOORを前提とした公募を出したい/公募に申し込みたい / I want to make a public call/apply for a call with the premise of using DOOR.
DOOR will end its service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025.
We ask that you refrain from soliciting or bidding on any public invitations that using DOOR.
- 自社案件で利用中。サービス継続/提供延長はできないか / Currently using the service for our own company's projects. Can the service be continued/extended?
We are sorry, but the service will end at 17:00 on March 31, 2025.
However, until 17:00 on June 30, 2025, it will be possible to enter rooms by directly accessing the room URL, accessing My Page, and editing created rooms. If used, the previous terms of use will apply.
*This is the current plan and is subject to change. If there are any changes, we will notify you in the "Notice" section of the DOOR website.
In addition, after the end of the service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, the operation system will be minimal and support will also end,
so please note that it may not be possible to use the service as before due to changes in the specifications of external systems, for example.
Terms of Use
https://door.ntt/web/terms/index.htmlIn addition, as mentioned above, support for backing up and exporting spatial data will end when the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, so please take action as much as possible before the end of the service.
After 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- 有料プランの提供はいつまでか / How long will the paid plan be available?
The service will end at 5:00 p.m. on March 31, 2025.
- 商用利用及び制作運用代行を行う場合にどうすればよいか / What to do if we using DOOR for commercial purposes or providing production and operation services?
No application is required.
DOOR will end its service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, but until 17:00 on June 30, 2025, it will be possible to enter rooms by directly accessing the room URL, accessing My Page, and editing created rooms. If used, the current terms of use will apply, but commercial use applications and production and operation agency applications will not be required.
*This is the current plan and is subject to change. If there are any changes, we will notify you in the "Announcements" section of the DOOR website.
In addition, after the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, the operation system will be minimal and support will also end, so please be aware that it may not be possible to use the service as before due to changes in the specifications of external systems, for example.
Terms of Use:
https://door.ntt/web/terms/index.htmlAs mentioned above, support for backing up and exporting spatial data will end when the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, so please make sure to do as much as possible before the service ends.
After 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- 現在利用中の管理アカウントはどうなるのか / What will happen to my current admin account?
DOOR will end its service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025. However, until 17:00 on June 30, 2025, it will be possible to enter rooms by directly accessing the room URL, accessing My Page, and editing created rooms using an administrative account. If used, the previous terms of use will apply.
*This is the current plan and is subject to change. If there are any changes, we will notify you in the "Notice" section of the DOOR website.
In addition, after the end of the service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, the operation system will be minimal and support will also end, so
for example, due to changes in the specifications of external systems, it may not be possible to use it as before, so we would appreciate your understanding in advance.
Terms of Use
https://door.ntt/web/terms/index.htmlIn addition, as mentioned above, support for backing up and exporting spatial data will end when the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, so please take action as much as possible before the end of the service.
After 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- dアカウントやXMarketとアカウント連携している場合、終了後はどうなるか / What will happen if I have linked my account with d Account or XMarket after the service ends?
DOOR will end its service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, but you will be able to log in using your d Account or XMarket as before until 17:00 on June 30, 2025.
After 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- NTTコノキューは2025大阪・関西万博 バーチャル会場を展開予定とのことだが、DOORのサービス終了に伴い本件も撤退するのか / NTT QONOQ is planning to develop a virtual venue for the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, but will it also withdraw from this project with the end of its DOOR service?
2025大阪・関西万博 バーチャル会場は「DOOR」とは別プロジェクトであるため、DOORのサービス終了による影響はございません。
The 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo Virtual Venue is a separate project from "DOOR," so it will not be affected by the termination of the DOOR service.
- DOORに関する資料が欲しい / I would like more information on DOOR
You can find additional information at the link below.
- DOORでどんなことができますか? / What can I do in DOOR?
機能としては、3D空間の制作・装飾、アバターを通したコミュニケーションが可能です。- 3D空間制作・装飾(動画配信・ライブ配信、画像(外部リンク可)、3Dオブジェクト設置)
- コミュニケーション(音声会話、テキストチャット、画面共有、絵文字・拍手等)
DOOR is a virtual meeting place where you can hold and participate in events and exhibits.
Users can create 3D spaces where they can communicate through avatars.- 3D creation and customization (Video/live streaming, images, and 3D object placement)
- Communication (Voice chat, text chat, screen sharing, and emoting)
Our virtual space is an extension of reality and allows for creative decorations and designs.
For getting started please see the link below.
- DOORのマニュアルが欲しい / I want to use the DOOR's manual.
We have a manual for creating virtual room on DOOR.
You can see the DOOR manual below.
DOOR Room Creation Manual
- 他のVRサービスと比べたDOORの特徴は? / What separates DOOR from its competitors?
- WebVRなので、特別なアプリが不要です。URL1つで入室でき、SNSでのシェアと親和性があり、他サービスへの遷移もスムーズです。
- ルーム制作もブラウザで完結、更新作業も簡単です。
- プラットフォーム利用料が現時点では無料です。
Because it is web-based DOOR can be easily accessed from a variety of devices.
<Merits>- Web-based means no need for special apps.With just 1 URL you can access a room, share to social media, and integrate smoothly with any other service.
- Room creation is also browser based, allowing for easy updates.
- The platform is currently free to use.
- Mozilla Hubsとの違いはありますか? / How does it differ from Mozilla Hubs?
- 日本語対応したUI
- オリジナルのルームテンプレートや3Dオブジェクト(DOORアイテム)を用意
- NTTのセキュリティ基準を満たしたシステム構成
- ルームの定期監視
DOOR offers multilingual support and NTT's high-level security management
- Multilingual friendly UI
- Access to DOOR original room templates and items
- Security matching NTT's standards
- Regular room security
- サービス利用料金はかかりますか? / Is there a service fee?
Currently, DOOR is a free to use system.
There is no server or running fee.
※There are several additional features that are available for purchase, please feel free to contact us for more information.
※Prices subject to change.
Contact us:
- 3D空間(ルーム)の制作依頼はできますか? / Can I request a 3D space (room) made on my behalf?
We are sorry, but DOOR will end its service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, and we have also stopped accepting requests for virtual room creation.
- DOORを商用利用してもいいですか? / Can DOOR be used for business purposes?
After the notice of the termination of this service, no application will be required until the termination of the service, even for commercial use.
DOOR will end its service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, but until 17:00 on June 30, 2025, it will be possible to enter rooms by directly accessing the room URL, accessing My Page, and editing created rooms. If used, the previous terms of use will apply, but commercial use applications will not be required.
*This is the current schedule and is subject to change. If there are any changes, we will notify you in the "Announcements" section of the DOOR website.
In addition, after the end of the service at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, the operation system will be minimal and support will also end, so please note that it may not be possible to use it as before due to changes in the specifications of external systems, for example.
Terms of Use
https://door.ntt/web/terms/index.htmlAs mentioned above, support for backing up and exporting spatial data will end when the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, so please make sure to do as much as possible before the service ends.
After 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- DOORでの楽曲利用方法について / Can you play music in DOOR?
DOORはJASRACと包括契約を締結しているため、 JASRAC管理楽曲を活用してユーザー様が作成した音源等をDOOR上で利用することが可能です。また、JASRAC管理楽曲の歌詞フレーズを利用することもできます。
DOOR and JASRAC have a comprehensive contract, as such music that falls under JASRAC can be used inside DOOR. It is also possible to use phrases from songs that fall under JASRAC's control.
If you would like to use a certain JASRAC song first contact us with the JASRAC song code.
For more on this please see:
"How to Apply for Using Music in DOOR"
- DOORを利用した取り組みについて、プレスリリース等を出したい / I would like to make a press release about using DOOR
Please contact NTT QONOQ PR via our "Contact us" page before any press release or social media broadcast. (It may take up to 5 or more buisness days to get back to you)
Furthermore, when publishing please include the following:
This space was created using "DOOR".
*"DOOR" is a web-based VR platform offered by NTT QONOQ.
"DOOR" is a virtual service for buisnesses and individuals to create their own world and hold events.
Contact us:
- DOORを活用したイベントを開催したい / I would like to hold an event in DOOR
We have collected examples and questions regarding holding events at our "For Enterprise Use" page.
For Enterprise Use:https://door.ntt/web/corporate/
For indepth questions or to get started please reach out via our "Contact us" link below.
Contact us
- 学校での活用事例はありますか? / How can DOOR be used for schools?
We have various examples for educational implementations of various levels.
Open Campus for Specialty Schools&Public Relations for Cram School are two good examples of how VR can be used for schools.
Link: https://door.ntt/web/application_case/public_relations.html
- スライドを使用した勉強会などもできますか? / Is there functionality that can be used for studying?
Slides can be viewed in the 3D space using the screen sharing feature, this can be useful when giving leatures or holding study sessions.
By clicking on a button on the lower half of your screen you will be presented with an option to share your screen in the 3D space.
If you move your presentation material in front of you it will also move in the 3D space.
For more infromation about screen sharing please click on the link below.
Screen sharing/live streaming explanation page:
- 法的な理由でコンテンツを報告したい / I would like to report illegal content
If an illegal action is committed, or someone's rights have been violated please contact our office via the "Contact us" link below.
We will evaluate the given information and act on it accordingly. (Please forgive us if we cannot get to all individual matters in a timely manner)
Contact us:
- DOORにアクセスするには / How to access the DOOR
(※2024/3/26 DOORのアップデートに伴いポート番号が変更になりました。)※ドメイン指定が必要な場合
Please enter the following port settings and IP address for access:
(If you have tried all of the above and you still cannot hear anything the signal might be blocked by a firewall. This tends to happen when using a school or work networks.)
(*The port number has been changed due to the DOOR update on March 26, 2024.)*domain specification is needed
*.door.ntt*IP address specification is needed
Please see below for the details.
(There may be irregular changes due to server maintenance.)■Protocol
*Please make use you give permission to use both TCP & UDP.
- 対応しているデバイス/ブラウザはなんですか? / What are the supported devices?
Supported devices/web browsers can be found below. We recommend you update to the latest version of each.
- 端末の推奨スペックを教えてください / What are the recommended specs?
Currently we do not have any recommended specs, but we believe a normal PC should suffice.
However, performance may decline depending on the network connection, if the computer is opperating other functions, and the amount of objects inside of a room.
If a room becomes slow or unresponsive it is recommended that you reload the page.
- VRデバイス(MetaQuestなど)でできること、できないことは何ですか? / Is DOOR VR Device (i.e. MetaQuest) compatible?
- 手、頭をデバイス・コントローラーに合わせて動かすことが可能です。
- チャット機能、共有機能、視点の切り替え、カメラで撮影した画像のダウンロードが不可となります。
In VR you can:
- Move and look around using your device and connected controller.
*Currently we support movement with non-VRM avatars. We are currently looking into supporting VRM avatars.
What you cannot do:
- Chat functionality, sharing functionality, switch POV, and downloading pictures from the in-game camera.
- 手、頭をデバイス・コントローラーに合わせて動かすことが可能です。
- 管理者はどんなことができますか? / What can you do as a moderator?
- 「メニュー」の「ルーム情報・設定」より各種ルームの設定が出来ます。
- 「メンバー」よりルームに入っているアカウントのマイクを、一括でミュートにすることが可能です。
※ミュートにしたあとに個々のアカウントで解除することが可能です。 - ルームに入室しているアカウントをキックする(強制退出させる)ことが可能です。
- From "More" select "Room infromation/settings", there you can change the settings for your rooms
- Inside the "More" you can mute all the microphones in your room
*It is possible to mute individual microphones as well.
*After moderator muting it is possible to unmute those accounts. - You can kick out (forcibly remove) a user from your room.
- アバターのニックネームに使える文字を教えてください / What are the valid characters for creating a username?
英数記号は半角のみに対応しています。 スペースは使うことが出来ません。
Japanese supports hiragana, katakana, and most kanji characters.
English letters are supported. Space bar is not supported.
Characters not supported will be changed upon entering the space.
- ルームの音声を利用禁止にすることはできますか? / Can I turn off voice chat in a room?
「メニュー」 → 「ルーム情報・設定」 → 「設定を変更」→ 「ボイスチャットをOFF」
For room creators and moderators, you can change chat settings within the room menu.
More → Room Information/Setting → Change Settings → Voice chat off
*Voice chat is by default ON, and any chat content will be sent to those in the room
Another option is to mute all members of the given room, or you can mute individual members.
To mute people see the members button located in the top right corner of your window.
However, a user does have ways to turn their mic back on, so it is not a foolproof method of mute control.
- ルームのテキストチャットを利用禁止にできますか? / Can I turn off text chat in a room?
「メニュー」 → 「ルーム情報・設定」 → 「設定を変更」→ 「テキストチャットをOFF」
For room creators and moderators, you can change the chat settings within the room menu.
More → Room Information/Setting → Change Settings → Text chat off
*Text chat is by default ON, and any chat content will be sent to those in the room
- 数百、数千人規模のイベントは実施できますか? / Is it possible to hold an event that can hohld hundreds or thousands of people?
- 分散設定:https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/room-separate.html
- ハイドモード:https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/hide-mode.html
Given the current systems in place it is possible to hold large scale events.
Currently, the recommend capacity for one room is approximately 24 people at any given time(※), but making identical copies of the room makes large scale events possible.
※The number of concurrent users will increase or decrease depending on internet connectivity and device specifications.*For paid options visit the links below
- Distributed settings: https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/room-separate.html
- Hide mode: https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/hide-mode.html
- DOORのルーム内でライブ配信はできますか? / Is it possible to stream content into a DOOR room?
【OBS Studioの設定】- OBS Studioを起動します。
- 設定画面で、画面左の「配信」メニューを選択します。
- サービスを「カスタム」に設定します。
- 動画配信プラットフォームの「RTMPS URL」を入力します。
- ストリームキー欄に動画配信プラットフォームの「ストリームキー」を入力します。
- 画面右下にある「適用ボタン」をクリックします。
- 「配信開始」ボタンをクリックすると配信が始まります。
Yes, it is possible to live steam into a 3D space.
After selecting a video distribution platform connect it with OBS Studio.【To setup OBS Studio】
- Start OBS Studio
- From the settings menu, select “Stream” from the left hand menu.
- Set the service to “Custom…”.
- In the “Server” settings input your “RTMPS URL” .
- In the “Stream Key” settings input your “Stream Key” .
- Click the “Apply” button located on the bottom right of the menu.
- Click the “Start Streaming” button to begin your stream.
Regarding live streaming, if the viewer has poor internet connection or a low spec device they may not be able to view the live stream. Due to this fact we recommend streaming to a separate 2D webpage.
Please note that the number of simultaneous live broadcasts might be affected by the limitations of the distribution platform and the number of connections from other rooms in DOOR.
- DOORのルームの様子を外部サービスでライブ配信したい / I would like to stream content from DOOR to an outside service
【OBS Studioの設定】
- OBS Studioを起動します。
- 設定画面で、画面左の「配信」メニューを選択します。
- サービスを「カスタム」に設定します。
- 動画配信プラットフォームの「RTMPS URL」を入力します。
- ストリームキー欄に動画配信プラットフォームの「ストリームキー」を入力します。
- 画面右下にある「適用ボタン」をクリックします。
- OBS Studioの画面の「ソース」のウィンドウ下にある「+」ボタンをクリックして「ウィンドウキャプチャ」を追加します。
- ウィンドウキャプチャのプロパティが開きますので「ウィンドウ」欄からDOORを開いているブラウザを選択し、OKボタンをクリックします。
- 音声も配信する場合は、「ソース」のウィンドウの下にある「+」ボタンをクリックして「音声出力キャプチャ」を追加します。
- 「デバイス」欄からパソコン音声を出力しているデバイスを選択し、OKボタンをクリックします。(ユーザーによって設定が異なる場合がございます)
- 「配信開始」ボタンをクリックすると配信が始まります。
To stream content from DOOR please select a video distribution platform and connect it with OBS Studio.
【To setup OBS Studio】
- Start OBS Studio
- From the settings menu, select “Stream” from the left hand menu.
- Set the service to “Custom…”.
- Inside the “Server” settings input your “RTMPS URL” .
- Inside the “Stream Key” settings input your “Stream Key” .
- Click the “Apply” button located on the bottom right of the menu.
- On the main OBS Studio window, under "Sources", click the “+” button and add “Window Capture”.
- On the “Properties for ‘Window Capture’” window navigate to the “Window” option and insert the DOOR window, click OK.
- If you are looking to stream audio as well click the “+” button under “Sources” and add “Audio Output Capture”.
- From the “Devices” select your computer and click the “OK” button. (Dropdown options may vary)
- Click the “Start Streaming” button to begin your stream.
*It is possible to change camera views from the its current view to the room overview. Room overview is not from an avatar’s point of view but rather a predetermined spot in the room, which could be useful for streaming.
How to set it up:
- 会員管理の仕組みはありますか? / Is there membership moderation?
Currently there is no system in place to check membership or personal identification
- 決済・課金の仕組みはありますか? / Are there ways for monetary transactions-
Currently there is no functionality for monetary transactions.
However, it is possible to embed a link or image that can redirect users to an e-commerce site.
- イベント実施時に会員データは取れますか? / When holding an event how can I track participant data?
To protect user information we do not store member information, we do not keep track of who or when a person enters a room.
However, with consideration, we can prepare general demographic information using GoogleAnalytics.
- イベントを実施する際、注意点はありますか? / What should I be careful of when holding an event?
例)- 初めてイベント会場に入室された方へ向けて、入口付近に操作方法や注意事項を案内する看板を設置する
- 不適切な参加者をミュートしたり、退室させたりするための体制を構築
- 特にスマートフォンにおいて、機種やOSバージョンにより、動画の再生が不安定な場合があるため、対応機種・環境を事前に周知
- 2Dの動画配信ページへのリンクを用意する
- 動画配信、ライブ配信の際は、一度テスト・リハーサル等を行う
For those first getting into 3D spaces we do ask you to consider several factors before holding an event: who is this event for, how is information being spread, what devices are being used to access the event, and what can be presented in 3D vs 2D space.
- For users unfamiliar with moving in 3D space a “How To Control” and “Cation” panel should be placed at the entrance of the event
- A system should be put into place where unruly participants will be either muted or removed from the event
- Depending on the smartphone and software version video content may not be available, a “supported devices” list should be made available to users beforehand
- Prepare a separate link for 2D video streaming
- Test rehearse any video or live stream
Please keep in mind we cannot guarantee that there will not be any server trouble on the day of the event, server trouble ranges from not being able to see certain content to not being able to enter a room.
- ユーザーを複数のルームに分散させてイベントを行うことはできますか? / Can I hold an event that takes place over multiple rooms?
ルームが満室になると、次に若い番号のルームにユーザが振り分けられます。詳細は下記をご確認ください。 https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/room-separate.html
In case of large events with many simultaneous connections, there is a room dispersion setting that can allow a large-scale crowd to access your event. (For consideration)
※We recommend 24 people per room at the one time, but that number can increase or decrease depending on internet connectivity and device specifications.
a. Room selection type
Having room selection on a landing page (LP).
b. Redirection type (random)
When accessing a room from a URL a user will be put in a random copy of your room.
c. Redirection type (fill)
When accessing a room from a URL, users will be slotted into a room until it reaches max capacity. Once it reaches max capacity users will be slotted into another copy of the room.Please see below for details. https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/room-separate.html
For inquiries please visit the link below
Contact us:
- 大人数でのイベント開催を想定しているが、何人までなら開催可能ですか? / Is it possible to obtain the number of times my room has been accessed?
For customers with over 1,000 simultaneous connections we do require a server fee for server setup.
For more information and pricing please visit the link below
Contact us:
- 作成したルームのアクセス数等のデータは提供してもらえますか? / Is it possible to obtain the number of times my room has been accessed?
弊社にて、表示回数、総ユーザー数、セッションあたりの平均エンゲージメント時間、ユーザーの最初の参照元 / メディア、デバイスカテゴリをGoogleAnalyticsから取得の上お渡しいたします。
Analytics is part of a paid plan.
Via GoogleAnalytics we can provide how many times a room has been viewed, gross user numbers, average engagement time, how a user accessed the room, and what device they accessed it from.
For more information and pricing please visit the link below
Contact us:
- テキストチャットのログを閲覧・取得することは可能ですか? / Is it possible to view/obtain chat logs?
Obtaining chat logs is one of our paid options.
We are able to save the text chat of a specified room and after a given time the DOOR office will compile the text chat into a csv file for viewing.
However, since this functionality applies to our 3rd-party user agreement, users visiting the room must consent to having their data saved in order to enter. When implementing this functionality the user agreement must also be updated to reflect that fact.
For more information and pricing please visit the link below
Contact us:
- ルーム入室者に対し、入室前に他のユーザーが投稿したテキストチャットを表示することは可能ですか? / As someone entering a room, is it possible to view text chats that took place before entering the room?
It is possible. However, when turning on the “See Text Chat Log” functionality (part of our paid options), the third part user agreement will be nullified and the text chat will become hidden.
*Viewing the text chat log is a paid function and cannot be set by the customer. For those looking to add this feature please contact us by visiting the link below.
Contact us:
- ルーム入室者のアバターを強制的に管理者側で設定することは可能ですか? / Is it possible to limit or not allow certain avatars from joining a room?
Limiting users is one of our paid options.
Banning certain avatars in advance will limit avatars for users.
You can create a list of approved avatar(s). If multiple avatars are approved users will be designated an avatar at random.
For more information and pricing please visit the link below
Contact us:
- ルームを退出したユーザーを任意のページに飛ばすことは可能ですか? / Upon leaving a room is it possible to redirect a user to another webpage?
Redirection is one of our paid options.
Normally upon clicking the “Leave” button located on the bottom left hand side of the window a user is redirected back to the DOOR portal site.
However, with this function, upon clicking the “Leave” button the user will be directed to a page of your choice.
For example pressing the “Leave” button will take a user to your company’s landing page.
For more information and pricing please visit the link below
Contact us:
- ハイドモードとは何ですか? / What is Hide Mode?
ハイドモードでご指定の最大人数に達した場合は、 「ハイドモードで入室」ボタンは非表示になります。
ハイドモードで入室したユーザーは下記の機能が制限されます。- 他のユーザーからアバターが見えない
- ボイスチャットや画面共有を行えない(テキストチャット、エモートは可能)
- カメラ機能が無効
- クリエイト機能が無効
While normally it is recommended to have approximately 24 people in a room(※) (the system limit is 50), Hide Mode is a paid option that allows you to have hundreds of people in a a single room.
※The number of concurrent users can increase or decrease depending on internet connectivity and device specifications.
Rooms using Hide Mode will have an additional “Enter using Hide Mode” button.
Once a room using Hide Mode has hit capacity the “Enter using Hide Mode” button will no longer be visible.
People using Hide Mode will have limited capabilities compared to our normal service:- Other people cannot see your avatar
- No voice chat or screen sharing (text chat and emote still available)
- No camera functionality
- No creator functionality
Details of Hide mode:https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/hide-mode.html
For more information and how to apply please visit the link below
Contact us:
- ゲーム性のあるルームを制作することはできますか? / Is it posible to make a video game room?
Using the trigger functionality it is possible to create a game in a room.
Depending on the room layout you can enable the trigger functionality and create new interactive content.
For example, you can trigger music or animations, pop up text, or warp a user to another room.
Utilizing these handful of functions you can create various activities to be the base of your game.
All these triggers are free to use and can be found in the room layout page.Trigger function details page:
- バーチャル空間に入れない、入室できない / I cannot enter the virtual space, I cannot enter a room
There are times, like inside of X (formerly Twitter) or Line where DOOR cannot load in the embedded browser, try copying the URL and using browsers such as Safari and Chrome.
If this fails to work, please send us the following information so we can better understand what is going on:
①Please tell us if your problem is A or B. If it is not A or B please tell us how you came across the error.
If possible please attach a screenshot.
- A: After loading, an error message pops up on the lobby page
- B: Clicking the “Join Room” button from the lobby page results in an error message
②OS Version: Windows10, iOS 16, etc.
③Browser: Safari, Chrome, etc.
④Network environment: company network, etc.
⑤Connection speed: how many Mbps
⑥Reproducibility/frequency of occurrence:
- Microsoft EdgeでDOORが見られない、空間に入れない / I cannot access DOOR via Microsoft Edge, I cannot enter into the virtual space
Microsoft Edgeをご利用の場合、古いバージョンだとDOORをご覧になれない場合があります。
If using an older version of Microsoft Edge you may not be able to use DOOR.
Please update to a recent version of Edge.
- VRデバイス(MetaQuestなど)での入室手順が知りたい / How do I access DOOR via a VR Device (i.e. MetaQuest)
①Select the room you want to enter on your PC or smartphone.
②Select “Enter in VR” and you will be given a one time code.
③Navigate to “s.door.ntt” on your VR device’s browser.
④Enter the one time code.
⑤Enter into the room.
*If you want to easily access a room multiple times please register it to your “Liked rooms” page on your user page.
- Oculusでルームに入る時、「今すぐ入室」ボタンが表示されません / Upon viewing a room in Oculus, the "Join Room" button does not appear
The “Join Room” button only exists on the PC and smartphone version.
When using a VR device you can enter using the “Enter room” button.
- 音声が聞こえない / I cannot hear anything
- ミュートになっていないか
- ブラウザでマイクブロックになってないか(マイクボタンを押しても反応しない場合はブロック状態です)
- 違うマイクやスピーカーを選択していないか
Please check the “03 Mic and Speaker Check” tutorial inside our tutorial room (https://door.ntt/C4ztB3R).
While following the tutorial please check if:
- Your microphone is on mute
- Your browser has permission to use your microphone (if clicking the mic button several times does not work your mic is blocked)
- You have a different mic and speaker selected
If you have tried all of the above and you still cannot hear anything:
Please check the "How to access the DOOR".
- iPhone / iPadで動画が再⽣されない / iPhone / iPad does not play video
In Safari (iOS13 and up), the desktop version of the site does not support videos playback.
Please switch to the mobile version of the site (“AA” in the top left corner in safari) to play videos.
- iPhoneで音を最小にしているのに大きな音が出る / iPhone's audio is set to its lowest setting but is still loud
Technical difficulties may occur when using an old phone or OS version.
Updating the OS may fix the problem.
- 空間内に設置したYouTube動画が再生されず「リンクを開く」が表示されてしまう / YouTube videos do not play in rooms, only displaying the “open link” button.
DOORでは随時Youtubeの仕様変更に伴って空間内に設置したYouTube動画が再生されるよう努めておりますが、確実に空間へ動画設置されたい場合は、MP4形式でのアップロードをお願いします。 ※MP4の場合は、数MB程度に軽量化し、アップロードされることをおすすめします。
Due to changes in Youtube specifications, YouTube videos may not play in rooms and only display the “open link” button.
The DOOR team is making every effort to ensure that YouTube videos can play inside of a room, but to ensure that the videos can reliability play please upload your videos to DOOR in an MP4 format. *We recommend you reduce the video size to a few MB before upload.
- 空間内のリンクが開かない(反応しない) / I cannont open links in the virtual space (does not react)
▼iPhone / iPadの場合の例
Depending on the browser you may need to disable the pop-up blocker.
*How to change the settings depends on the browser.
▼Example: iPhone/iPad
“Settings” → “Safari” → turn “Block Pop-ups” off
- 遠くのアバターの表示が図形の様になる / Avatars far away become simplified or hidden
Depending on the display radius, far away avatars may be simplified or hidden.
This function makes sure that even if there are hundreds in a room the browser does not get overburdened.
*This functionality can be changed
Room’s “More” button → “Preferences” → “Misc” → “Hide avatars at a certain distance”
- ビデオアバターで顔が映らない / My face does not show up on my video avatar
Once you have selected your video avatar, you must select “Camera” from the “Share” button.
Below you will find an explanation on how to utilize the video avatar, please feel free to visit it.
Avatar setting and changes
- ビデオアバターに設定していたが、再度アクセスしたらアバターが変わってしまっていた / I set my avatar to "video avatar" but it changes on accessing the website a second time
The video avatar was updated in March 2023.
The old model was removed and those using the old model have been reverted back to the default DOOR model.
We apologize for the inconvenience, please use the new video avatar.
- 自作のビデオアバターでアバターカメラをONにするとフリーズが起こるようになった / Custom made video avatar freezes when turning the camera mode on
※Blenderで作成されている場合、エクスポート時に「Override Emissive Color Map」のチェックを外していればフリーズは起こりません。------------------------------
Due to the March 2023 update there is a setting that may cause the video avatar to freeze.
We apologize for the inconvenience, re-uploading the avatar may fix the issue.
*During Blender Export: Freezing may go away if you uncheck “Override Emissive Color Map” in the export settings.
- ルームレイアウト機能のAudioZoneが効かない / Room layout function "AudioZone" does not work
In some versions of iOS “AudioZone” will not work.
We are currently looking into solutions.
- シーンからルームを作成すると、URLが毎回変わってしまう。既存ルームを更新できますか? / When making a room from an existing scene the URL changes everytime. Is there a way to change an existing room?
After publishing a scene, pressing “Make a new My Room” will give you a new URL.
The old URL will not disappear, and you can still access your room through your likes and bookmarks.
Updating a scene will also update the published room.
- ルームの管理者権限を他の人に付与したい / Can I give room administrator privileges to another person
The person who creates a room is the administrator.
It is possible to give another user administrator privileges by doing the following:
① Have both the administrator and the user who will be promoted to administrator in the same room
② “More”→”People”→Select the user to promote →”Promote”
③The user should now have a star above there avatar’s head
- ブルームエフェクトはスマートフォンにも対応していますか? / Does the bloom effect work on smartphones?
Since the default material quality on smartphones is “low” bloom will not be shown.
Setting the material quality to “high” will result in the bloom effect, even for smartphones.
However, this will effect performance and may cause the video output to appear sluggish, therefore we do not recommend setting the material quality to “high”.
- 作成できるルーム数に制限はありますか? / Is there a limit on how many rooms I can make?
There is no limit to how many rooms one user can make.
- 作成するルームの容量に上限はありますか? / Is there a limit to the size of a room?
シーンを公開する際には、下記の観点でパフォーマンスチェックが実施されます。- ポリゴン数:50,000個以下
- マテリアル数:25個以下
- テクスチャ:256MB以下のRAMのテクスチャ
- ライト: 3つ以下(アンビエントライトと半球ライト除く)
- ファイルサイズ:16MB以下
A room’s data capacity is 128MB.
There are several performance checks when a scene is published.- Polygons: 50,000 max
- Materials: 25 max
- Textures: under 256MB RAM textures
- Lights: 3 max (excluding ambient and sphere lights)
- File size: 16MB max
*Please consider these as limitations for performing on mobile devices.
- 作成したルームに公開期間はありますか? / Is there a limit to how long a room stays online?
It will be completely deleted at 17:00 on June 30, 2025.
After the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, operation will be minimal and support will also end, so
for example, due to changes in specifications of external systems, it may become impossible to use as before, so we ask for your understanding in advance.
In addition, as mentioned above, support for backing up and exporting spatial data will also end when the service ends at 17:00 on March 31, 2025, so please make as much effort as possible before the service ends.
After 17:00 on June 30, 2025, all access will be unavailable , and all data such as avatars and rooms will be deleted one after another.
- ルームに置いた動画の音量を調整したい / I want to adjust the volume of a video in a room
Aligning the cursor with the video will show the audio control button.
Turning the audio to 0 will mute the video.
- ルームに配置したURLのサムネイルやPDFの日本語が文字化けしてしまう / The text in my thumbnail/PDF has become illegible
Currently DOOR does not support variable-width encoding (like Japanese).
Putting an image over the thumbnail is a way to get the functionality of the link and hide the text.
For PDFs we recommend converting the pages to images and re-uploading the file.
- ルームに置いたアイテムが壁の向こう側に行ってしまい、移動できません / The item I put in the room moves to the other side of the wall and won't move back
You cannot remove an item that is on the other side of a wall.
In order to remove it you would have to exit and then return to the room.
- DOORにアップロードできるファイル形式はなんですか? / What file types can be uploaded to DOOR?
- 画像(.png、.jpeg、.gif)
- 動画(.mp4を推奨、YouTube・Vimeoなど動画サイトのURL)
- Webリンク(URL形式)
- PDF(.pdf)
- 3Dモデル(.glb)
DOOR supports the following file types via URL:
- Image(.png, .jpeg, .gif)
- Video(.mp4 recommended, YouTube/Vimeo/etc. url links)
- Web link(URL)
- PDF(.pdf)
- 3D model(.glb)
- CRAFT ROOMでマイルームを離れた場合、そのルームは残りますか? / Does removing my room from CRAFT ROOM remove it from the website?
As long as you don’t close your room (menu → “Close My Room”) your room will stay active.
You can always enter via URL but for fast access we recommend adding your room to your favorites.
- ルームには何⼈⼊ることができますか? / How many people can fit in a room?
また、ルーム入室人数を引き上げる方法として、下記の有料オプションもご参照ください。- 分散設定:https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/room-separate.html
- ハイドモード:https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/hide-mode.html
The recommended maximum is approximately 24 people, but it can increase or decrease depending on internet connectivity and device specifications.
In the menu there is a "Room Info & Settings" page, in there you can set the maximum capacity of your room. Including the lobby the maximum capacity is 50.
Please also refer to the paid options below for ways to increase the number of people in a room.- Distributed settings: https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/room-separate.html
- Hide Mode:https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/hide-mode.html
- 他の3Dモデルをインポートできますか? / Can I import other 3D models?
DOORはgltf, glb のモデルをサポートしています。Blender等のアプリで作成できます。
DOOR supports gltf and glb model files, both can be created in Blender.
- マイルームを出ると置いたアイテムが消えるのはなぜですか? / Why upon leaving my room do all the items disappear?
It is common to remove all items from a room when a users leaves it.
If you would like to keep an item around hover over it and hit the space bar, this will “pin” it to the space. As long as an item is pinned it will not disappear.
- マイルームで他の⼈がアイテムを置いたり、カメラを使うことを防ぐことはできますか? / Is there a way to prevent people from leaving items and using the camera in my room?
In the menu options go to “Room Info & Settings” in the top right click on the “Settings” option.
In there you will find options to create and move objects, use the camera, allow pins, and allow emotes.
- ⾃分でアバターを作成することはできますか? / Is there a way to create my own avatar?
アバターのglbファイル、vrmファイル(※)をお持ちの場合は、下記手順でアバターをDOOR上に取り込めます。「メニュー」→「名前とアバターの設定」→「アバター変更」→「アバターを作成」また、右上の「アバターGLB URL」からDOOR⽤のアバターを読み込むこともできます。
You can create your own original avatar using various applications.
You can find more about creating avatars via the link below.
Also please visit our “Original Avatar Creation for Creators” page.
https://door.ntt/web/tutorial_create/tips/original-avatar.htmlHow to make your own original avatar
If you have a glb or vrm avatar file follow the instructions below to upload them to DOOR.
“More” → “Change Name & Avatar” → “Change Avatar” → “Create Avatar”
Also, you can upload your avatar via the “GLB Avatar URL” button located on the top right.
*Points to note when using VRM avatars :
- ルームからルームへのリンクを作成することはできますか? / Is there a way to link rooms together?
It is possible.
You can do this by embedding a room URL into an object of another room.
You notify those in the rooms by posting the room URL in the chat.
- 作成したルームをDOORサイトに載せることはできますか? / Is there a way to have my room featured on the DOOR website?
また、有料でサイトトップページの「Pick up」や
Please contact us for inqiries.
Paid placements in featured slots and pop-up recommendation slots are also available.
Contact us
- ルーム人数が満員になった際はどのようになりますか? / What happens when a room reaches capacity?
If the room hits capacity a “Room is full” message will appear.
You can test this by setting a room capacity to 1.
Please check the explanation below on how to change the room capacity.
About My Room Settings :
- ルームレイアウト機能でシーンの読み込みに失敗する / A scene failed to load while using the room layout functionality
In many cases, if full-width characters are used in object names, etc., the scene will fail to load. There are various other cases, so if the issue is not resolved, we apologize for the inconvenience, but we recommend that you create it again.
- 空間に特定の人しか入れないようにすることはできますか? / Is there a way to limit who has access to my rooms?
After a room is created a room is limited to those who know the room’s URL.
If a URL becomes public, you can reset a room and it will produce a new URL.
Once a new URL is created the old URL will become invalid.
It is also possible to set a room's access to “invite only”.
For more on room settings please visit the link below
About My Room Settings:
- ルームの設定のルームアクセスを「招待者のみ」でリンクコードを発行した場合、入室できない / "Invite only" access link does not work
If it becomes impossible to enter an “invite only” room via the link, try using the URL provided by the “share room” function.
- 後ろのオブジェクトが透けて表示されてしまう / Objects behind are appears transparent
Object transparency has become a known issue since the October 2021 update.
For more information see this page(https://door.ntt/web/news/important.html).
- 動画(mp4等)をルームに設置すると『broken media link』のマークが出てしまう / "Broken media link" mark appears on a video screen in my room (mp4 video)
This tends to happen when a video is too large.
Please try reducing the size of the video and trying again.
- Faboxの3DCGデータはDOOR以外でも使えますか? / Can I use Fabox's 3D CG data outside of DOOR?
Fabox’s 3DCG is meant to be used for DOOR, and is only for DOOR.
Downloading, editing, and redistribution is prohibited.
- ルーム名の変更時、使えない文字はありますか? / When changing my room's name what are the characters I can use?
User names can utilize full-size hiragana, full-size katakana, kanji, half-size alphanumeric characters.
Things that cannot be used include half-sized katakana, full-sized alphabet, and some full-sized numbers.
- アバターの表現はどの様なことが可能ですか? / What are the possible expressions my avatar could have?
VRM based avatars that have spring bones can blink and move their mouths to mic input.
Hair and skirts can also flow with the avatar’s movement.